Publication at the ISG Magazin 02-2018
Category: Allgemein
CV Andrea Jany
AMPS conference in London, June 2018
Look back to go forward! The Modell Steiermark as cultural heritage for social sustainability Abstract: The ongoing urbanization trend … More
Innovation Day Danube, Palo Alto/Silicon Valley
Andrea Jany – A Stanford Researcher’s Look at Housing in Silicon Valley
articles at gat
My contributions on gat – the platform for Styrian architecture.
Marshallplan Scholarship
Housing in Silicon Valley – A survey on the status quo and a solution proposal (in English)
SONTE – an exploratory study of the Terrassenhaussiedlung/Graz St. Peter
SONTE Project. (in German)
Public Talk Stanford
Video of the talk
Workshop “Kaffeeklatsch”
DeLand Chan; Program of Urban Studies/Stanford
Andrea Jany; Institute of Housing Research
Ph.D. thesis: The residential housing program “Modell Steiermark”
My dissertation deals with the housing of the model Styria and its residential satisfaction after a period of use of up to 40 years.